PEP Expanding to Two Days in Smiths Falls


PEP is pleased to announce that we will be offering a second day of programming in Smiths Falls with the support of The United Way Lanark County.

We are currently accepting referrals for our Smiths Falls Program days. Please call us directly at 613-201-7172 or email us at [email protected],

A HUGE thank you to the United Way for supporting this initiative.


Over the last year, our Seniors Day Program ran on  Thursdays in Smiths Falls with the support of the United Way.  We are now able to offer a second day thanks to the generous funding from the United Way. It is our hope to open on Tuesdays as well as Thursdays. PEP would like to let our PEP clients, their families and the community know about this exciting news!

We would greatly appreciate you reaching out to anyone in the Smiths Falls area that you think may be interested in attending.

Staff and the PEP Board are very much looking forward to expanding our programming in Smiths Falls. The community has been very generous in welcoming us. This is very much appreciated and we look forward to working with many more seniors and their families in the next year!

“One of United Way Lanark County’s priority goals – Successful Aging – is to help ensure seniors are able to stay in their homes and remain engaged in the community, while all caregivers feel supported,” notes Advisory Council Chair Helen McIntosh. “Programs like the one run by the Perth Enrichment Program for Older Adults helps those seniors in need within our community. The United Way is excited about the expansion of PEPOA’s programs from Perth to Smiths Falls, made possible with funds from our very generous donors. We look forward to seeing their new program succeed.”

When: Tuesdays & Thursdays from 9:30 am – 3:00 pm

Location: 91 Cornelia Street (Cornelia Court), Suite 110, Smiths Falls

Cost: $35.00 per day

How to register for the program: call 613-201-7172, email: [email protected] or have your doctor or health care partner contact us directly.



Posted in What's New.