Please note that due to concern for our clients and their caregivers we have decided to cancel all programming at both our Perth and Smiths Falls locations for the next week and possibly longer. We will be monitoring the situation and will make decisions on an informed basis. The phone and email will be monitored on a regular basis for those wishing to be in contact with us. We consider the health of our clients, […]
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Highlands Hunt Adventure Race 2014
The Highlands Hunt Adventure Race is back for 2014. The Hunt is a race of speed and stealth. The objective it to find and complete the skill testing stations hidden in several hundred acres of rolling Lanark Highlands country and return home, while evading capture by horse mounted trackers. Success gets you a fine prize, donated by local merchants. See the trailer for 2013 You can race as an individual or as a team, with […]
Nine and Dine Golf Tournament Fundraiser
We enjoyed a wonderful evening at PEP’s first Nine & Dine – held at Mapleview Golf Course on August 22, 2014. Thanks to our fabulous PEP board, a dedicated crew of volunteers, the Mapleview Golf Course and YOU, our community – PEP’s Nine & Dine was both fun and successful! Special thanks to our many donors: Dorothy Linden of Linden Financal Bob VanNoppen Medical Corporation Chris Gregoire Perth RBC’s Scott Rintoul Mary’s Signature Salad Dressings […]
Dietary Tips for Better Breathing
Food is the fuel your body needs to perform all activities, including breathing. Your body uses food for energy as part of a process called metabolism. During metabolism, food and oxygen are changed into energy and carbon dioxide. You use energy for all of your activities – from sleeping to exercising. metabolism food and oxygen——–> energy + carbon dioxide […]
Instructions On Handwashing
This is the time of year when influenza is on the rise, and the risk of both contracting and spreading infection is prime. Why not do all you can to stop the spread of germs by simply washing your hands properly. There are five steps to keeping your hands bacteria-free: 1. Wet your hands with warm running water. 2. Add soap, and then rub your hands together, making a soapy lather. Do this away from […]
Signs of Caregiver Burnout
Taking care of someone with dementia – or other older adult disease or frailty, requires time and energy. It can be a demanding and stressful task. Knowing and recognizing the signs of stress in yourself or someone you care about is the first step toward taking action. If the following symptoms occur on a regular basis, call your doctor, ask your family or support network for help, or look at putting some respite into place […]
Myths About Healthy Ageing
MYTH: Ageing means declining health and/or disability. Fact: There are some diseases that become more common as we age. However, getting older does not automatically mean poor health or that you will be confined to a walker or wheelchair. Plenty of older adults enjoy vigorous health, often better than many younger people. Preventive measures like healthy eating, exercising, and managing stress can help reduce the risk of chronic disease or injuries later in life. MYTH: Memory […]
What Contributes To Falls?
Among older adults, falls are the leading cause of injury deaths, unintentional injuries, and hospital admissions for trauma. Falls can take a serious toll on older adults’ quality of life and independence. Falls occur due to a loss of balance and an inability to recover balance. The complex set of conditions and circumstances that lead to this loss of balance are known as fall-related risk factors. There are four main systems that work together to […]
20 Warning Signs That Your Parents Need Help At Home
Maybe you’ve noticed that dad’s unopened mail is piling up. Or mom, once meticulous about her appearance, is wearing wrinkled clothes and not doing her hair. Perhaps there are bruises on your aging parent’s arms. When you bring up the subject, you hear, “Everything is fine. There’s no need to worry.” Admitting they need help would mean they can’t take care of themselves anymore, and no one wants to lose their independence. “Denial is the […]